When you are selling internationally, you can present the prices of your items in the currency of the consumer on your website. This positively improves your conversion and reduces cart abandonment as consumers are more inclined to shop with you in the currency they are familiar with.
Clearpay with multi-currency support feature, helps you support this price shown in consumer currency at your website as a part of checkout. This ensures that your consumers have a consistent experience during checkout without them worrying on FX rates which in turn positively improves your conversion. You can hence create orders with Clearpay in the consumer’s currency.
At the time of settlement, Clearpay converts this order created in the consumer currency into your store currency by applying the FX rate that we get from our wholesale rate providers and adding an additional conversion fee as per your merchant terms.
If you issue a refund associated with this order which will be in the consumer currency, Clearpay will convert the amount to the value in your store currency at the FX rate (from our wholesale rate providers) at the time of refund plus the additional conversion fee before taking it out of your next settlement.
Currently only available for WooCommerce platforms as of October 2022. Further platforms to be updated shortly.
If you have any questions, please contact our Global Merchant Technical support contact below: https://afterpay.formstack.com/forms/global_merchant_technical_support